What Sets Us Apart

Enhancing Smiles. Enriching Lives.

Our smiles are how we greet the world. When we’re self-conscious about our teeth, we tend to have lower confidence and feel uncomfortable around others. But when we know our teeth are straight and healthy, and our smile looks incredible, our confidence radiates with every interaction!

Choosing orthodontic care is a decision to transform your life. Every day, Dr. Travis Nash, Dr. Jansen Nash and our team see people make that choice and start on the path to a lifetime of improved self-esteem, stronger oral health, and confidence in every part of their lives.

It is a joy to help people make this change; we are honored to serve our community!

You Are the Top Priority!

As an independent practice, we set our schedule. You’ll always have plenty of time to ask questions and never be rushed through a visit. You’ll not feel like an anonymous number on a chart or teeth in the treatment chair, either. Instead, we’ll know you by name, greet you with genuine smiles, and look forward to catching up on your latest news!

Working in orthodontics gives us time to build real relationships with our patients and families. You are important to us and we want to learn about your life, goals, and passions. Your visits are a time to assess and update you on the progress you’re making and to spend a few minutes chatting, as well. We’d love to hear about your latest adventures, share a few laughs, and ensure you smile throughout your visits.

Individual Treatment Plans

At your complimentary consultation, we’ll ask a lot of questions about your life, health, hobbies, and what you want to achieve. Following your exam, Dr. Travis Nash or Dr. Jansen Nash will create your custom treatment plan. We’ll walk you through the process, and explain each step and all the options. We’ll also talk about finances, insurance, and what you’ll need to do. It’s essential that you have all the information needed to make an informed decision; this is your smile, after all!

Schedule Your Consultation

Please contact our Central Mt. Pleasant  or Carolina Park, SC orthodontic office to schedule a consultation for yourself or your child. The sooner you call, the sooner you’re on the path to a lifetime of beautiful smiles to share with confidence. Call today!
